Eventide unveiled Misha

The new devie designed for Eurorack system features interval-based Instrument and Sequencer

Misha is an innovative Eurorack instrument/sequencer that utilizes a unique, interval-based approach to playing and creating melodies. It’s designed to be played like a keyboard instrument and yet it makes music in a way unlike any instrument before it. In addition to playing it live, you can also record sequences that can be modified in a multitude of ways, allowing for new paths of spontaneous creativity.

Eventide Misha has a way of helping you discover new musical ideas, even ones you didn’t consciously create. The interval-based approach introduces a new perspective even for a trained musician, but offers the untrained a simple path to creating melodies. Create a simple melody or sequence, change the key and scale, and manipulate the pattern into a whole new creation! Inspired by twelve-tone composition, Misha’s sequencer expands upon the tone row technique, allowing for new paths of spontaneous creativity. Modify your sequence using some of the classic techniques such as Prime, Retrograde, or Inverted playback, or completely rearrange your sequence in unpredictable and exciting ways.


– An innovative 28hp Eurorack instrument/sequencer that utilizes a unique, interval-based approach to playing and creating melodies
– Make sound three ways via MIDI, control voltage (with three independent gate/cv pairs) or outputting waveforms via the audio jack
– External control templates for MIDI and QWERTY keyboards
– 100 factory scales and additional slots for up to 100 user/custom scales (Scala support)
– Tone row based sequencer inspired by the classic compositional technique used in serial music
– Comprehensive control of sequence playback to easily manipulate and expand upon your musical ideas
– Create rhythmic variations using clock division
– Four user-assignable buttons
– 18 user presets
– CV inputs for external trigger/control sources
– Clock input for syncing to external sources. User configurable PPQ settings
– Audio output for internal oscillator
– Polyphony via 3 CV outputs or MIDI
– Micro-USB for easy firmware updates using Eventide Device Manager
– Micro-SD card for saving/loading scales and settings

Info: Eventide