Kali Audio launched a three-way studio monitor

The new IN-5 features coincident HF/LF drivers, boundary compensation EQ and class-d amplifiers

Developed by US company  Kali Audio, the new IN-5 nearfield monitor combines a 3-way design for hyper-realistic imaging, while the co-axial mid-range and tweeter drivers ensure more transparency, better headroom and low distortion. In other words the mid-range driver and the tweeter are coincident, meaning that they share the same acoustic center. The IN-5 features a 5-inch woofer, a 4-inch mid-range driver and a 1-inch soft dome tweeter. 

​Powered by a class-D tri-amplifier, Kali Audio IN-5 boasts a total power of 160W: 80W for LF, 40W for MF and 40W for HF. According Kali Audio the IN-5’s coincident architecture allow them to be more accurate than other speakers in a wider variety of challenging acoustic environments. 

One of the most innovative features of the IN-5 monitors are the boundary compensation EQs. These EQs were made to compensate for low frequency interactions that the speakers will have with various surfaces in many common placements. Price: $349 per speaker. 

Info: Kali Audio